Understanding the 7 States of Human Consciousness and the Unified Field

Consciousness is the state of being awake and aware of surroundings. In medicine, consciousness is related to the central nervous system CNS and is measured by the Glasgow Coma Scale. considering this awareness and wakefulness, within us, is miniature consciousness, there is already a gigantic consciousness that has been eternally awake since time unknown to us.

When we talk about religion and spirituality, we and we term it supreme, the almighty, the divine or god, and we call consciousness, rationally and scientifically, as unified field.

Consciousness is within and around. It is in the nature, within the living beings, and everywhere in the cosmos. It is eternally conscious of all subconscious thoughts. The wakeful miniature consciousness or the energy present within us is synonymous with the much talked about soul.

There are 7 states of Human Consciousness:

  1. Deep Sleep: Body at deep rest; no mental awareness
  2. Dreaming : Body at rest; illusory mental awareness
  3. Waking state: Body in activity; active mental awareness. where majority of humanity lives.
  4. Transcendental consciousness: In this state we awaken from the time from 3rd dimension and we enter into the 5th dimension. where time and space do not exist. we begin to connected with the soul and through the soul we feel anchored in the inner peace that is beyond physical objects.
  5. Cosmic consciousness: It is being part of the world without being part of it. We are witnesses of our own life. The detached consciousness begins to appear.
  6. Divine consciousness: You don’t see humans anymore. you see beyond . you see God in all things.
  7. Unity consciousness: One perceives everything in terms of oneness. The Self. There is no inside or outside. I am everything at same time.

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